The Stream of Consciousness

Merry Yuletide 27th December 2024

I've spent the past 3 days of my Christmas break dipping in and out of HTML induced psychosis. Sufficiently depressed from above normal alcohol intake, I wallow in the darkness of the flat. Yet there is a peace that falls upon me.

A week ago, we walked through the quiet icy woods to mark the shortest day of the year. Then Christmas came and with it Moscato, cheese and lobster tail. Now, in the inbetween, each day melts into the next punctuated only by a hot short coffee in the mid-morning and a kiss on the cheek.

I'm tired, run down and at peace. Wallowing in the space I gifted to myself, leaving the house only to look at winter's fungi or to drink a cup of Gluwhein under sparkly trees.

The website has been updated, and my plans with it too. I am solidifying my anonymity here so as to allow myself to go into great detail the topics I am researching. I notice, as an artist, that I often try to hide my inspiration, to protect my process. But the itch to share still needs to be scratched. It helps develop ideas after all.

Now the garden has started to grow, peculiarly in the dead of winter. But after my long placid walks in barren forest, I've discovered that nature does not just sleep in wintertime, rather it orchestrates a new type of dance. The moss grows effervescently on bare branches, and sour orange bouquets of fungi pour out of piles of rotting leaves.

And what happens out there, is reflected in here. Though I'm sleeping ten hours a night, there's a mycelial stirring that's occuring under my malaise.

Love, M

To Be No One 15th November 2024

Recently I have realised the true power in being unknown. In being at one with the world rather than secluded on my island.

Nowadays, it is normal - even encouraged to pursue the concept of self to the point of success. Developing our own personal brand and identity in order to sell ourselves. Well the joke is on us isn't it. Because I'm not buying what you're selling, and I sure hope you aren't buying what I'm selling. Though we come in a kaleidoscope of forms and each mind slightly different to the last, we make up a whole. Denying this fact ends in misery. I no longer wish to be identified solely as an individual, as I recognise that I am simply an expression of the whole.
I've identified that it is important to me that I adjust my lifestyle in order to end my syncopation with nature. More to follow, maybe.

Love, M

Day One 16th October 2024

black coffee (Moka brewed)
orange (sliced four ways)
Glass of Orange Juice (with pulp)
Oat flat white
2 eggs, handful of mozzerella, sliced green chilli in a white wrap
pot of black tea with mint

Though our karmic comeuppance is seemingly suppurating from every pore of this green earth, there are still pockets of light. You just have to make sure you are looking for them. He who looks, will find.

Love, M

In Pursuit of The Great Outdoors 29th May 2024

Yesterday I found myself looking at fawns in the park. A warm, wet and windy day. I am being drawn to the outdoors. I saw a poem:

"There is a reason why walking amongst nature is most people's best advice when depression strikes.
Because walking in nature is a return to 'home'.
You are not a lover of nature, or a fan of nature, you 'are' nature.
You are as much nature as the trees in your garden and the bees on your picnic.
You were designed to live your days out in the wild with your fellow creatures and plants but progress, humanity, had different plans for us all.
And so we exist day-to-day, in our homes, but never 'home'.
The quickest route back to self, to inner peace, is bare feet on grass, arms around trees, head in the clouds and heart in a forest.
Put your bones in water, whenever you can, smell each flower you see and crumble dirt between your tired-of-typing fingers.
You are nature, go home once in a while.
It will bring you much you didn't even know you were missing."

~Donna Ashworth

Love, M

Welcome to The Cosmic Garden28th May 2024

Exciting times here down in the garden. I can finally confirm that the gate is opened and the path is clear... We have flowers and butterflies. I will continue to maintain and update it as best I can. In any case, thank you for being here in the early moments of my garden's life. Patience is the most essential ingredient to growing a beautiful garden, or so I'm learning.

In personal news I am happy to report I spent a successful bank holiday weekend up north on the coast of Yorkshire with my family. It has been many years since I found myself inside a static caravan (even longer since I've been in a touring, which is now my next goal).

I made a short video which captured the essence of the trip. Those who are familiar with this type of holiday might find it nostalgic. Note the Billy Ocean tune; one singer from the caravan park's club hailed it "The Ultimate Floorfiller".

Love, M